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  • Writer's pictureHarsh Mittal

Habits One Should Develop To Become A Desired Writer

(May sound creepy, well they are!!)

1.Inversion Therapy.

The renowned bestselling author Dan Brown believes hanging upside down helps him relax and concentrate better on his writing and inspires him to write. The Vinci Code author revealed that he keeps an hourglass on his desk. Every hour he puts his manuscript to one side and does a bout of push-ups, sit-ups and stretches. Why not try it?? Maybe it will throw you a magical idea, perhaps increasing blood circulation.

2. Superstition accompanies.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s author Truman Capote, may be the best example, who claimed never to start or finish a piece of work on a Friday, refused to travel on a plane with two nuns on it, refused to phone a friend if their number added up to 13, to stay in a room that contained yellow roses and all. He added despite knowing that these are weird but still he derived some curious benefit out of following them. Go ahead and keep in mind these things especially while calling your friend.

3. Have plenty of supplies.

To avoid fading away from your idea, keep as much stock of writing stuff as John Steinbeck used to keep. He was afraid of skipping his brilliant thought while sharpening his pencils, So he kept a store of a dozen pencils always along with himself. This however seems logical, let me introduce you to the really wanting habits further.

4. Induced by Rotten.

Following Friedrich Schiller may do it for you, his way was somewhat unusual, he used to put apples in the drawer of his desk and let them ruin so as to inspire his nose to write by sniffing the pleasant smell or maybe his pen?? Hmm, must be thinking of putting it in….

5. Dozing off North.

Remember A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist & David Copperfield? Yeah, you guessed it right, Dickens. He used to sleep facing North in the exact middle of bed and check that his hands were equidistant from the edges. Also, he always carried a compass when outside so that he could always check directions. Think of what he used to do when sleeping away from home? Yes, he arranged his bed in that direction only and still maybe that’s the secret of his supremacy among us all!!

6. Writing in Inner.

‘The Chekhov of Suburbs’ , Cheever best known for his keen and critical view of American Middle Class once disclosed that “to publish a definitive collection of short stories in one’s late 60s seems to me, as an American writer, a traditional and a dignified occasion, eclipsed in no way by the fact that a great many of the stories in my current collection were written in my underwear.” So, maybe you can think of it but don’t forget to carry spare for yourself!

7. Writing Nude.

Probably, you must not be following it but we have to mention that, Victor Hugo when on his tight schedule followed ‘writing without clothes’ while completing his novel ‘The Hunchback of Notre Dame’. He even instructed his valet to take all his clothes so that he wouldn’t be able to leave the house. Despite cold icy days, he used the single blanket for wrapping himself. So, are you thinking of opting for it, maybe if you are one of the Hugos?

That’s all for Today. Hope you ’ve enjoyed the Blog!

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