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  • Anushka Parashar

BOOK EXPRESSION - A Marauder's Plan

My favourite book is actually a fanfiction, specifically a Harry Potter fanfiction called a Marauder's plan'

I should perhaps first give you a little bit of backstory. The blurb is" What if Sirius stays back and doesn't go into hiding." Sirius re-enters the house of black, clears his name, gets the guardianship of Harry and finds out about the Horcruxes. It shows the adults being responsible and being the sitting ducks they were in the original series. Harry potter is still the chosen one and still gets to face many hardships but the difference is they face them strategically not impulsively (well, not always). They think smartly and weaken his financial and political power before he rises. It may sound blasphemous, but I liked this novel more than the original one. (first read, then judge please)

The characters development and the depth of their emotions shown in the novel is also a wonder to see. The author doesn't automatically label characters as good and bad. Rather, she shows their reason and emotions behind their actions through multiple points of view.

It also gets in a lot of depth about the magical community, magic and politics (though I tend to skim through that part) and black families.

But the best part is the bond between Harry and Sirius. They both go at great lengths to make sure the other one is safe. The silly banter, conversations and hugs just makes you smile huge after a bad chapter (probably where almost Harry died. Again). The author captures the emotional Rollercoaster that they go through when in danger and afterwards. They gain love, family, friendships, alliances and enemies in the way to defeat Voldemort.

To sum it up, if you want to read a story where Sirius takes charge of his own destiny and be the slytherin that he is, where the only fighting ones are not just the griffonder children and experience an emotional Rollercoaster (caution: sometimes it might get a little slow and straight going, but only sometimes) and most importantly want to read an alternate version where Sirius isn't killed by a veil (still can't believe J.K Rowling didn't bring him back ) , then this book is for you.

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