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  • Writer's pictureThe Book Club, SRCC

UNHERD: A Tale of Love, Wisdom and Strength

There is no separation in life. All beings, whether they're humans, animals or trees, exist through one source of union. We live in them as they live in us. The more we embrace the oneness of it all, the more we will be able to deepen our understanding of the self. This is one of the ideas that Kartikeya Ladha, the author of the book 'Unherd', tries to convey to his readers. 

Released in 2022, 'Unherd' is the third book of his Life trilogy, following Dream Beyond Shadows and Life Unknown. This book tries to bring light to various questions about life, its meaning and purpose, and tries to answer these questions through the story of James, who leaves everything behind and sets on a journey to find his life's true calling. 

The author himself once had a well-established life in the United States, when suddenly his inner voice compelled him to go on a journey of self-discovery, which made him travel to different parts of the world, mainly India. So, in many ways, the book seems to reflect his own journey of self-realization. 

'Unherd' describes the story of James, who is a successful lawyer working for a very famous firm in New York, married to the talented and beautiful Veronica, who is very passionate about her work. They both live a life that many people in New York would envy. Basically, they are living the ‘American Dream’. But James has been suppressing a part of himself for many years, ever since his Indian father died when he was a child. He single-mindedly focuses on his work, and spends all his youth creating a lifestyle that he could show off to other people. He distances himself from the people who care about him and love him. His marriage with Veronica was also just a way to fulfil his aspirations. So, there is no love or any other emotion in his life, except the rage and pain that he's been suppressing for decades. 

When the great recession hits America, his whole world changes. He realizes that nothing is certain, and he could lose all the materialistic achievements he has at any point of time. His insecurities start overtaking him and the darkness suppressed in his heart starts to emerge. He had a strange condition, where he used to lose consciousness at arbitrary moments and arrive in a dark, formless space. He couldn’t make sense of it, but he tried to suppress it, and it worked. But, when he comes to face his inner darkness, he starts experiencing those moments again. And he has no control over it this time. 

While struggling with himself, he comes across Jessica, an aspiring young actress. She has a kind and friendly personality. She makes James feel comfortable and accepted for who he was. She motivates him to face his darkness and discover the light in him. He realizes how loving someone unconditionally feels like for the first time. He starts to realize how much life has to offer for the first time. He starts to accept himself and the changes in his life when suddenly, Jessica disappears from his life. This leads him to set on a journey of self-realization. 

He goes to India, where he meets different people in different places. All of them help him move forward in some way or other. Through this journey, he realizes that people in this world are consumed by darkness in some form, and not facing that darkness hinders them from discovering the light within themselves. He discovers that all beings are living in a synchronized spectrum of coexistence; they are one with the nature, and they are in everything, as the whole universe is in them. He discovers the beauty of nature in its purest form, as it interconnects all the other life forms.

'Unherd' tries to break the ‘herd mindset’ in people. It motivates the readers to face the darkness within themselves, just as James did, because only by facing this darkness can we find the courage to overcome it. It’s like a breath of fresh air for young people, who are constantly struggling in the competitive environment of today’s society. It can also be a good read for people who are curious about what the purpose of life is, and what all it has to offer. 

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