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  • Writer's pictureThe Book Club, SRCC


Schizo is a psychological thriller co-authored by Arya Shukla and Aditya Mishra. Arya Shukla is an extraordinary writer and an undergrad student, with Schizo being her debut novel, while Aditya Mishra is a National Bestselling Author and has penned four books, including ‘The Cartel Workers’.

David, a man suffering from paranoid schizophrenia, seeks to avenge his mother's murder by killing Richard, a wealthy businessman. The narrative skilfully portrays David's struggle with auditory hallucinations, as he hears his deceased mother urging him to seek revenge. Her voice compels him to commit the most heinous crimes. As the chapters progress, his mind spirals into an abyss of darkness and delusion which seems impossible to escape from.

This book doesn't just tell an interesting story—it completely immerses you in a world crafted purely from words. It has a unique, descriptive writing style to it. Every scene and every act has been written in such a way that it completely immerses you in the story. While the book may start slowly with long descriptions of every single setting, the later chapters are so interesting that they soon become impossible to put down. The careful details included in every scene made me feel all kinds of emotions along with the characters. The discomfort in those scenes where David loses all reason and becomes a sadistic monster, the anticipation during the build-up before the climax scene, or the shock and betrayal I felt at the end, can all be attributed to the amazing writing style. The character development is unique and very interesting.

I would recommend this book to anyone who’s a fan of psychological thrillers or just wants to try out this genre. Although it is a recent release, I would still say that this book is such a hidden gem. It doesn’t simply just delve into the mind of a schizophrenic person, but also plays with our minds and makes us question our sanity, reminding us that people are not as simple as black and white, and it challenges us to see everyone and everything in a new light.

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