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  • Ankita Mishra

Dear Diary - Ankita Mishra

August 9, 2023

Dear Diary,

Failure—the word clawed at the edges of my consciousness, a hungry ghost of doubt and

inadequacy. The professor’s words, a frigid breeze amid my dreams, reverberated through the

chambers of my mind. “Your performance falls short of expectations,” his voice dripped with

disappointment, an icy reminder of my limitations.

I, who once danced on the precipice of achievement, now found myself mired in the

quicksand of underachievement. The books, once founts of knowledge, now seemed like an

impenetrable fortress, their words like a foreign tongue I struggled to decipher.

The faces of my peers, once comrades in the journey of learning, now bore the marks of

victory, etching lines of envy onto my heart. Yet, amidst the tangle of emotions, a fragile

ember of resilience flickered—an ember determined to grow into a blaze that would

illuminate my path.

As the candle flames paint their stories on the pages of my diary, I unravel the enigma of

failure. It was not a period but a comma—a pause in the narrative that urged me to

reconsider, to rewrite my story. In the depths of my uncertainty, I discover the seeds of


The night wears on, a symphony of crickets accompanying the cadence of my thoughts. I

ponder the paradox of failure—it was the price of ambition, a toll that demanded

vulnerability in exchange for growth. It was the dark before dawn, the storm that ushered in

the rainbow.

With every stroke of the pen, I etch my acceptance of failure into the pages of this diary. It is

a dance with my shadows, a conversation with my doubts. Failure was not a verdict; my

failure was a muse that whispered stories of resilience and tales of rising from the ashes.

The room is a sanctuary of emotion, where vulnerability and strength intertwine. In the dim

light, I find solace within the chaos, discovering the artistry in imperfection. I embrace the

journey, knowing that failure is not the end, but a stepping stone towards a greater

understanding of myself.

And so, as the first light of dawn peeks through the curtains, I make a silent promise to

myself. I will rise from the ashes of my shattered dreams, not as a prodigy or a conqueror, but

as a humble seeker of truth. For within the depths of failure, I shall forge a path toward a

greater understanding of myself and the world that stretches before me—the path that may

lead to success, but more importantly, to a profound and authentic sense of self.



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